
The Dieline Awards 2014: Prepared Food, 1st Place – EXTREM

The panel of judges of The Dieline Awards 2014 have awarded Lavernia & Cienfuegos's EXTREM 1st Place in the Prepared Food category. The good news continued with when we also won a 3rd place award for our range of fragrances for Etnia Cosmetics. 

EXTREM, a new Brand of Iberian, acorn-fed ham has been launched by Agriculturas Diversas, a Spanish company with a long tradition in the premium ham sector. 

EXTREM required prestigious new packaging for their top product that could be bought as a special gift as the brand positions itself in gourmet shops around the world. The packaging needed to transmit the product’s extremely high quality to put it on par with other delicacies at the high end of the gourmet world, such as caviar and foie. 

We designed the packaging in matt black, with a contrasting golden pig handle. An elegant serving tray in which to present the finets cuts of Iberian ham “comme il faut”.