Naranja Valenciana
Logo and packaging for the promotion of Valencian oranges and tangerines. AGR food marketing / Generalitat Valenciana. 2022
The task was to create a brand to promote, commercialize, and sell the best Valencian oranges and tangerines. It had to be a contemporary, young, fresh, and powerful brand.
There are three relevant applications due to their presence at the time of purchase: the sticker on the fruit itself, the mesh, and the boxes.
We needed the visual impact and immediacy of a logo that would be recognizable, versatile, and easy to apply. Capable of conveying, on its own, that these oranges or tangerines are from Valencia.
The solution has been to create a symbol: an orange circle (which is, in turn, the iconic representation of an orange) with the word ‘VALENCIANA’ inside, and that serves for both oranges and tangerines.
The symbol is accompanied by a logo, in highs and lows, and in a typography that does not compete with it, ensuring the complete understanding of the message on decontextualized supports where there is no presence of the fruit.