
Laus Awards 2015 winner

Steve and Ángel of Lavernia & Cienfuegos attended the Laus Awards in Barcelona to collect our Bronze award for design No. 66 of Experimenta Magazine. The new print edition, which marks a new stage for the magazine, was awarded in the Graphic category for Book Covers. The spirit of LAUS is to recognize the joint work of the designer and client and the necessary contribution of both to carry out the project. So we want to thank our clients, Experimenta and Gráficas Muriel, for giving us the opportunity to design this special edition number and for the effort and professionalism that went into producing it on time and with the highest standards.

The Laus Awards are organized by the Association of Graphic Designers and Art Directors of the FAD (ADG-FAD). ADG is a national, private, non-profit association. For the past 50 years, their goal has been to promote graphic design and visual communication in the cultural and economic life in Spain. The Laus Awards are the best representation of this ambition, a real working thermometer for design and communication.